Creative Spaces
The USC Roski School of Art and Design’s creative spaces are spread out among three locations, on the main USC campus, in the USC Roski Studios Building near campus, and in the USC Roski Graduate Building in the L.A. Arts District.

Explore Our Spaces
Our Buildings
Main Campus Buildings
The hub of USC Roski is on the main USC campus in two buildings, Watt and Harris Halls, that are dedicated to art and design. Within these buildings you’ll find workshops and studios and, at the center of it all, the Helen Lindhurst Fine Arts Gallery and the USC Fisher Museum of Art, where undergraduates can apply to present their artwork.

The USC Roski Studios Building
Located a half-mile from campus, the newly repurposed USC Roski Studios Building will offer shared studios for Roski BFA Art and Design seniors. The building also houses photography facilities, an outdoor work area and the stunning Gayle and Ed Roski Gallery—featuring exhibitions by students, alumni and members of the arts community.

The USC Roski Graduate Building
This new complex in the LA Arts District houses all three graduate programs. The campus features the Graduate Gallery, along with private studios for MFA Art candidates, open concept studios for MFA Design candidates, and the Philion Roundtable for MA Curatorial Practices candidates. A makerspace, classrooms and other facilities are outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment and technologies.